Michael had died two weeks ago, but you would hardly know it from the state of his side of the apartment. Robert, his roommate, still currently alive, wanted to clean it out and move on with his life, but Michael’s spirit would not allow it.
“Sorry, unfinished business and all that,” Michael's ghost said with transparent feet propped up on the coffee table. He was watching Toddlers & Tiaras on TLC.
“This is also part of my unfinished business. I need to finish this marathon.”
“It sounds less like unfinished business, and more like you’re just too lazy to move on,” Robert growled. “At least let me vacuum your room. The neighbors are starting to complain about the smell.”
“Dude, do you want me to stay haunting this apartment for the rest of your mortal life, or do you want to help give my spirit peace?”
Robert sighed. “I want to give you peace.”
“Good,” Michael said. “You can start by bringing me a piece of pie.” Michael’s spirit scratched his ethereal rear end and hawked an ectoplasmic loogie.
This flash fiction story was originally published on my now-defunct blog Brief Conceits in June 2012.
So silly lol 😆 🤣
Funniest one yet. It has the makings of a good premise.